September 30, 2022

The Sales Shortcut

The Sales Shortcut


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Because great work is great… but it's not enough.

There’s this myth that floats around, and it has been floating around for a while… and it’s killing me.

It’s killing me because I see all these great people I know, getting stuck, not getting the opportunities they deserve, not getting the briefs with the great budgets to get the right team, or the scripts to let them flex their creative muscle and prove what they’re capable of.

And what’s this myth? 

It’s not new. I used to bang my head and go around in circles on this one too. It’s the myth that by just producing great work and uploading it to your website, great new opportunities will unfold. That it’s all about “doing good work” and if you just focus all your energy on doing good work then even better work will find you. 

Of course your work has to be good - of course it has to be great -  but it’s a lie that you can just bury your head in the work and your future will come and dig you out.
Matt Taylor, RevThink

This might have been the case back in 2003, when there were fewer competitors, fewer agencies and being seen meant getting your work onto the latest Shots DVD. That world has been slowly dying ever since then but its ghost still lingers. Maybe because in our heart of hearts, it's more comfortable being “in the zone” (headphones on “doing the work” even if it's not the greatest work) than it is putting yourself out there and saying something.

But what clients and buyers need today is different. 

Media production stopped being a dark art a long time ago. What your clients need today is an expert with a narrow point of view, who can help them prove their case, who can help them bring their campaigns into existence and help them prove why the more creative route is the path worth taking. Because their job has gotten harder too. They are battling research, endless meetings and a litany of reasons you don't want to be involved in that tell their risk-averse clients that perhaps the big, bold, brave creative idea is not right at this point in time.

So what’s the solution?

Share your expertise and win. Stand out by sharing what you know, not just what you’ve done. 

“Sounds so easy when you’re not the one who has to do it, Mr Rev Think smarty pants”, you might say. “I’ve got to finish cutting my latest reel with two new shots in it.” 

Well, Joel and I have both been there and we want to help. We want to help you fast-track what you’ve been saying you’d do all year so you can get it done in the coming weeks and connect with your clients so you can bring in new projects before Christmas. We’ve seen too many studio owners default to the “too hard” and “too busy” excuses but we appreciate this stuff isn’t easy.

So in mid-October we’re holding a free workshop called The Sales Shortcut, targeted at Senior Creatives and Motion Design studio owners, so you can take your positioning statement, thread it through your opinions and punch out some social posts that show what you know and will help spark the right conversations before the deluge of Christmas parties and the end of year rush make it impossible to get hold of anyone in the new year.

And if you don’t have your positioning or other fundamental marketing priorities worked out we will be holding our first Jumpstart Creative Business Accelerator for the APAC region (finally at a decent time of day) in late October and running for 6 weeks. It’s open to 10 attendees and will be run by Joel Pilger, RevThink Senior Partner, and Matt Taylor, RevThink Adviser.

Some Jumpstart alumni have said these nice things:

“If you have not done Jumpstart before or are on the fence, it is the single most beneficial series of workshops that I have ever done for my business. Put the time in and you will not be disappointed.” 

- Ed Rhine, Owner | ECD, Spillt

“It has changed the way I do business, the way I think about my business, and how I grow my business into the future.” 

- Mark Cernosia | Owner/Founding Artist, Profanity Creative; Camp Director, Camp Mograph

“I kid you not, the best thing that Jumpstart and RevThink was able to give us was, knowing our worth, planning for our future, and reaffirming why we started a business which is to build a better life and attain those dreams we had when we started the company.”

- Nico Puertollano | Co-Owner & ECD, Rezonate (NYC)

We want you to stop buying into the myth that is holding YOU back. We want the industry to hear what you have to say and we want to help you start the right conversations sooner.

Please join us for The Sales Shortcut workshop on Friday October 14th.
Register here:

RevThink is a global network of creative business owners who know that the best way to deal with the future is to create it.
Please apply to join our community here:


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Because great work is great… but it's not enough.

There’s this myth that floats around, and it has been floating around for a while… and it’s killing me.

It’s killing me because I see all these great people I know, getting stuck, not getting the opportunities they deserve, not getting the briefs with the great budgets to get the right team, or the scripts to let them flex their creative muscle and prove what they’re capable of.

And what’s this myth? 

It’s not new. I used to bang my head and go around in circles on this one too. It’s the myth that by just producing great work and uploading it to your website, great new opportunities will unfold. That it’s all about “doing good work” and if you just focus all your energy on doing good work then even better work will find you. 

Of course your work has to be good - of course it has to be great -  but it’s a lie that you can just bury your head in the work and your future will come and dig you out.
Matt Taylor, RevThink

This might have been the case back in 2003, when there were fewer competitors, fewer agencies and being seen meant getting your work onto the latest Shots DVD. That world has been slowly dying ever since then but its ghost still lingers. Maybe because in our heart of hearts, it's more comfortable being “in the zone” (headphones on “doing the work” even if it's not the greatest work) than it is putting yourself out there and saying something.

But what clients and buyers need today is different. 

Media production stopped being a dark art a long time ago. What your clients need today is an expert with a narrow point of view, who can help them prove their case, who can help them bring their campaigns into existence and help them prove why the more creative route is the path worth taking. Because their job has gotten harder too. They are battling research, endless meetings and a litany of reasons you don't want to be involved in that tell their risk-averse clients that perhaps the big, bold, brave creative idea is not right at this point in time.

So what’s the solution?

Share your expertise and win. Stand out by sharing what you know, not just what you’ve done. 

“Sounds so easy when you’re not the one who has to do it, Mr Rev Think smarty pants”, you might say. “I’ve got to finish cutting my latest reel with two new shots in it.” 

Well, Joel and I have both been there and we want to help. We want to help you fast-track what you’ve been saying you’d do all year so you can get it done in the coming weeks and connect with your clients so you can bring in new projects before Christmas. We’ve seen too many studio owners default to the “too hard” and “too busy” excuses but we appreciate this stuff isn’t easy.

So in mid-October we’re holding a free workshop called The Sales Shortcut, targeted at Senior Creatives and Motion Design studio owners, so you can take your positioning statement, thread it through your opinions and punch out some social posts that show what you know and will help spark the right conversations before the deluge of Christmas parties and the end of year rush make it impossible to get hold of anyone in the new year.

And if you don’t have your positioning or other fundamental marketing priorities worked out we will be holding our first Jumpstart Creative Business Accelerator for the APAC region (finally at a decent time of day) in late October and running for 6 weeks. It’s open to 10 attendees and will be run by Joel Pilger, RevThink Senior Partner, and Matt Taylor, RevThink Adviser.

Some Jumpstart alumni have said these nice things:

“If you have not done Jumpstart before or are on the fence, it is the single most beneficial series of workshops that I have ever done for my business. Put the time in and you will not be disappointed.” 

- Ed Rhine, Owner | ECD, Spillt

“It has changed the way I do business, the way I think about my business, and how I grow my business into the future.” 

- Mark Cernosia | Owner/Founding Artist, Profanity Creative; Camp Director, Camp Mograph

“I kid you not, the best thing that Jumpstart and RevThink was able to give us was, knowing our worth, planning for our future, and reaffirming why we started a business which is to build a better life and attain those dreams we had when we started the company.”

- Nico Puertollano | Co-Owner & ECD, Rezonate (NYC)

We want you to stop buying into the myth that is holding YOU back. We want the industry to hear what you have to say and we want to help you start the right conversations sooner.

Please join us for The Sales Shortcut workshop on Friday October 14th.
Register here:

RevThink is a global network of creative business owners who know that the best way to deal with the future is to create it.
Please apply to join our community here:


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Because great work is great… but it's not enough.

There’s this myth that floats around, and it has been floating around for a while… and it’s killing me.

It’s killing me because I see all these great people I know, getting stuck, not getting the opportunities they deserve, not getting the briefs with the great budgets to get the right team, or the scripts to let them flex their creative muscle and prove what they’re capable of.

And what’s this myth? 

It’s not new. I used to bang my head and go around in circles on this one too. It’s the myth that by just producing great work and uploading it to your website, great new opportunities will unfold. That it’s all about “doing good work” and if you just focus all your energy on doing good work then even better work will find you. 

Of course your work has to be good - of course it has to be great -  but it’s a lie that you can just bury your head in the work and your future will come and dig you out.
Matt Taylor, RevThink

This might have been the case back in 2003, when there were fewer competitors, fewer agencies and being seen meant getting your work onto the latest Shots DVD. That world has been slowly dying ever since then but its ghost still lingers. Maybe because in our heart of hearts, it's more comfortable being “in the zone” (headphones on “doing the work” even if it's not the greatest work) than it is putting yourself out there and saying something.

But what clients and buyers need today is different. 

Media production stopped being a dark art a long time ago. What your clients need today is an expert with a narrow point of view, who can help them prove their case, who can help them bring their campaigns into existence and help them prove why the more creative route is the path worth taking. Because their job has gotten harder too. They are battling research, endless meetings and a litany of reasons you don't want to be involved in that tell their risk-averse clients that perhaps the big, bold, brave creative idea is not right at this point in time.

So what’s the solution?

Share your expertise and win. Stand out by sharing what you know, not just what you’ve done. 

“Sounds so easy when you’re not the one who has to do it, Mr Rev Think smarty pants”, you might say. “I’ve got to finish cutting my latest reel with two new shots in it.” 

Well, Joel and I have both been there and we want to help. We want to help you fast-track what you’ve been saying you’d do all year so you can get it done in the coming weeks and connect with your clients so you can bring in new projects before Christmas. We’ve seen too many studio owners default to the “too hard” and “too busy” excuses but we appreciate this stuff isn’t easy.

So in mid-October we’re holding a free workshop called The Sales Shortcut, targeted at Senior Creatives and Motion Design studio owners, so you can take your positioning statement, thread it through your opinions and punch out some social posts that show what you know and will help spark the right conversations before the deluge of Christmas parties and the end of year rush make it impossible to get hold of anyone in the new year.

And if you don’t have your positioning or other fundamental marketing priorities worked out we will be holding our first Jumpstart Creative Business Accelerator for the APAC region (finally at a decent time of day) in late October and running for 6 weeks. It’s open to 10 attendees and will be run by Joel Pilger, RevThink Senior Partner, and Matt Taylor, RevThink Adviser.

Some Jumpstart alumni have said these nice things:

“If you have not done Jumpstart before or are on the fence, it is the single most beneficial series of workshops that I have ever done for my business. Put the time in and you will not be disappointed.” 

- Ed Rhine, Owner | ECD, Spillt

“It has changed the way I do business, the way I think about my business, and how I grow my business into the future.” 

- Mark Cernosia | Owner/Founding Artist, Profanity Creative; Camp Director, Camp Mograph

“I kid you not, the best thing that Jumpstart and RevThink was able to give us was, knowing our worth, planning for our future, and reaffirming why we started a business which is to build a better life and attain those dreams we had when we started the company.”

- Nico Puertollano | Co-Owner & ECD, Rezonate (NYC)

We want you to stop buying into the myth that is holding YOU back. We want the industry to hear what you have to say and we want to help you start the right conversations sooner.

Please join us for The Sales Shortcut workshop on Friday October 14th.
Register here:

RevThink is a global network of creative business owners who know that the best way to deal with the future is to create it.
Please apply to join our community here:


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